When I was growing up, I was obsessed with movies. It came as no surprise to anyone who knew me that I was destined to head off to Los Angeles to go to film school after I graduated from high school. You guys this was LONG before everyone had an iPhone in their pocket, and […]
(Affiliate link disclosure here friends, both the french press and the grinder shared in this post have affiliate links meaning if you make a purchase of them, I receive a small % from Amazon) Ok if you’re anything like me, you probably enjoy a little caffeine in the morning. Generally speaking, I’m not too serious […]
The town of Oia at the northern end of the island of Santorini. 8 years ago I took a solo two week adventure to Italy and Greece. It was before I had been really doing any blogging, before I was on Instagram, and at a time when I knew photography was going to be a […]
If you live in Seattle, you probably know of Molly Moon’s Ice Cream. They’ve been around since 2008 and I’ve spent many a summer night (and truthfully cozy winter nights too) just sitting in one of the shops enjoying a rich scoop and taking in the waffle cone smells. Every single time a friend or […]
This was the first time we’ve really mixed up holiday tradition in my family. This year, 2 of my sisters came up to Seattle and stayed with me. It was really cool to be able to try some new things out and find our own way around the holiday. I even prepared an amazing […]
I am so full of gratitude for my clients. 2016 has been such a whirlwind but one of the things that has made me incredibly happy and grounded has been photography. It has brought some great new challenges, creative opportunities, and given me the chance to spend time with some awesome people. Their trust and […]
I had the most wonderful time in LA last weekend at my sister & brother-in-law’s house. They threw an all day shindig with a gorgeous patio dinner that just melted away all my stress. For the whole day, I didn’t worry about what was going on at work, or on my Facebook, or in email, […]
I’ve been trying to carry my DSLR along more often so I can practice new things and continue refining. Today at brunch I was struck by how many reflective surfaces I was drawn to. It got me thinking about the notion of reflection in the first place. As awkward as it has been for me, […]
This autumn Seattleites were dealt a nice set of cards from the weather gods. We actually got eased into fall instead of plunged into a dark, grey, rainy wall like we’ve had in years past. Last month we’ve enjoyed both warm days and chilly & rainy days. Together, they made for a nice dip into sweater […]
It’s astonishing when you step back and think about the beauty and unique quality of a person. You’re here in the moment on earth and an infinite number of things took place in order for you to exist. Thus, the power of documenting your time here. Portraits are amazing windows into our essence, our vibe, our […]