A couple of weeks ago I treated myself to a staycation.  It was so nice to just relax and check out places close to home.  One of the things I made sure to do was explore more coffee shops.  I started out over at Slate Coffee in my neighborhood of Ballard where I enjoyed a […]

Coffee Talk

Featured PROJECT

Fun Stuff

A couple of weeks ago I treated myself to a staycation.  It was so nice to just relax and check out places close to home.  One of the things I made sure to do was explore more coffee shops.  I started out over at Slate Coffee in my neighborhood of Ballard where I enjoyed a […]

Coffee Talk

Changing seasons

This time of year changes feel even more intense as colors literally start exploding out of nothingness around us.   It really makes me stop to appreciate the simple things and the beauty in everything. I’m also finding it’s a time for things to be refocused and tended for. Even if they’re taking time, my […]

Fun Stuff

Fun Stuff

It’s funny how with time, you learn so many more interesting things about yourself.  For instance, I really really like time on my own and I freaking hate being over-scheduled.  But when things are more spontaneous and the mood strikes I apparently like to do lots and lots of things. I had a jammed packed […]

Weekend Cocktail

Spring Spaces

I cannot believe Spring is finally here!  Winter was a long haul this year.  For the first time I was actually effected by the lack of sun.  Apparently it was the wettest winter on record for the Seattle area so I suppose I had a reason.  Anyway, as I emerge out of the cozy, reset […]

Fun Stuff

Fun Stuff

Restaurants, cafes, bars and coffee shops have always delighted me beyond the food and drink.  I love the architecture, design, and style of spaces and how it all comes together to give you a terrific experience.  I’m making it a point to start documenting some of that inspiration.  Here are a couple recent snaps from […]

Nom Nom Nom

Ace Hotel

If you know me you know that I am a sucker for a carefully crafted experience.  A couple of months ago I had one such experience at NY’s Ace Hotel.  I would consider myself a fairly seasoned traveler who has had the pleasure of some nice stays and the discomfort of some poor choices.  Walking […]



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