I cannot believe Spring is finally here! Winter was a long haul this year. For the first time I was actually effected by the lack of sun. Apparently it was the wettest winter on record for the Seattle area so I suppose I had a reason. Anyway, as I emerge out of the cozy, reset my clock, and awake from my Pacific Northwest hibernation I am overwhelmed by the brightness and beauty around me. In typical form I’m hitting up some new restaurants while also enjoying that extra hour of sunlight. I hit up two of Renee Erickson’s new delights, General Porpoise and Bar Melusine on Capitol Hill. They were both amazing.
While in San Francisco for work I had a fantastic team dinner at Lolo Cevicheria in my old neighborhood, the mission. Can you even believe the adorable pink flamingos in their bar (below)? I couldn’t. Also managed to squeeze in a St. Patty’s day sister dinner at the Ferry Building at Boulettes Larder.
Last but not least back here in Seattle I started embarking on the long journey ahead to try all my neighborhood’s new breweries. They’ve been popping up like hotcakes (we’ve got those too) for the past few years. I tried Peddler Brewing which won my heart with a pun-slam (that’s like a poetry slam but, puns) and outdoor movies on the agenda.