I have lived in 8 cities, spent summers in 3 others, and moved within the same city countless times.  It would seem that I am a modern nomad.  What that says about me I’ll let my therapist decide.  What I propose is that I’m a seeker and my parents before me.  The NW seems to have […]

Moving day

Featured PROJECT

Fun Stuff

I have lived in 8 cities, spent summers in 3 others, and moved within the same city countless times.  It would seem that I am a modern nomad.  What that says about me I’ll let my therapist decide.  What I propose is that I’m a seeker and my parents before me.  The NW seems to have […]

Moving day

mobile life

sometimes the best way to capture a moment, is with your phone.  I never thought I would say those words.



Seattle Snow Days!

children of nova, michelle, and good old pdx

In case I needed another reason to go to Portland, my sister breezed into town to play cello for her buddies Children of Nova.  All in all, the perfect summer road trip.



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