When I moved to San Francisco keeping a car seemed pointless.   Most days I don’t miss it but I will say day trips do become a bit trickier.  They’re certainly a lot closer to home!  Saturday’s trek involved a long ride up the Muni (N-Judah) all the way to its end at Ocean Beach. […]

day trip adventure to ocean beach

Featured PROJECT


When I moved to San Francisco keeping a car seemed pointless.   Most days I don’t miss it but I will say day trips do become a bit trickier.  They’re certainly a lot closer to home!  Saturday’s trek involved a long ride up the Muni (N-Judah) all the way to its end at Ocean Beach. […]

day trip adventure to ocean beach

monterey bay aquarium

When I was a little girl in Vancouver, BC my parents would take me almost every weekend to the Vancouver Aquarium in Stanley Park.  Apparently I eagerly asked to see the whales and other creatures of the sea with incessant fervor.  At one point I pondered being a marine biologist and then the realization that the […]



seattle photo stroll

santa barbara

Sometimes you just have to get in a car and go!  I’ve always loved SB.  It’s a town full of retirees & college students, wine tastings & seafood, and all the beach goodness your heart desires.  These are some snaps from our day trip. 



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