“a poor workman blames his tools”


I love quotes by Anonymous!  Such a smarty that guy!  Seriously though, I felt like I was the last person to “go digital” and the last person to finally get a cell phone and most begrudgingly the last person to start photographing with their phone and even more disturbingly took it even that much further and eventually became an iPhone user.  The most painful part?  I’m kind of loving it.  True, it’s not my SLR.  But, with the help of apps like VSCO Cam I’m able to take photos anytime, anywhere, easily, and give them that oh-so filmic touch with way cooler filters than I could imagine.  Special thanks to early adopters of ALL technology for working out the kinks before I finally embrace the new fandangled awesome new thing.  Here’s a snap of the tippy tippy top of my home office project in my newly rented San Francisco abode.  


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