Team Windemuth is in a word: AWESOME. I first met Gina (the queen of the team) while working at an ad agency a few years back. All it took was being on the same project together and boom an instant friendship that has bloomed over 6 years, countless bottles of wine, and PNW roadtrips. Joe (the king of the team) and Gina are the kinds of humans that you are SO lucky to be around and have in your life. They are genuine, caring, and so much fun to be around. Thankfully, they’re not keeping all this awesomeness to themselves. They are the proud parents of little Max and Lucas who I’ve been lucky enough to photograph several times now. These little buddies have personality for dayyyys and spending a morning with them in Ballard down at the locks and Golden Gardens was way too much fun. We hung out in the park watching boats go into the locks and played at the beach looking for the perfect skipping stones. I love this gang fiercely.