I was so lucky to get to snap a few images with this incredible lady a few weeks back.  She’s a photographer and a total delight.  She took my headshots for me and it was so hard to be in front of the camera.  It’s funny how that suddenly changes everything.  Regardless she made me […]

Evening Portraits with Krista

Featured PROJECT


I was so lucky to get to snap a few images with this incredible lady a few weeks back.  She’s a photographer and a total delight.  She took my headshots for me and it was so hard to be in front of the camera.  It’s funny how that suddenly changes everything.  Regardless she made me […]

Evening Portraits with Krista

evening portraits

Last week I had the pleasure of meeting Randy on a warm Seattle night for a headshot session.   We went for a casual yet approachable vibe for his new photos and I hope his wife approves!!!



First of all, has it really been over a month since my last posting?  Eeps!  Thankfully, I’ve still had time to shoot in between moving and everything else.  I’ll share two posts this week to show off some recent goodies.  Just before leaving SF, I was asked to shoot some portraits for the lovely Alexa. […]

Alexa Portraits – The Mission


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