Hailey and Chris met while grocery shopping at Safeway. Yep, that’s a thing that happened. Can you even believe it? I certainly couldn’t. The fates do get into all sorts of funny things, don’t they? When we first met up at Golden Gardens on a chilly Pacific Northwest evening, I anticipated some sweet moments, after […]

Hailey & Chris – Golden Gardens

Featured PROJECT


Hailey and Chris met while grocery shopping at Safeway. Yep, that’s a thing that happened. Can you even believe it? I certainly couldn’t. The fates do get into all sorts of funny things, don’t they? When we first met up at Golden Gardens on a chilly Pacific Northwest evening, I anticipated some sweet moments, after […]

Hailey & Chris – Golden Gardens

Michelle & Hans – Franklin Canyon

Anyone who knows me understands that my sisters mean the absolute world to me.  A few months ago my sister Michelle got married in Mexico.  I was in the wedding (Maid of Honor no less) so it was challenging to get a snap in let alone get those prime moments.  That’s what their wedding photographer […]



These two are just the cutest.  Here are a couple more shots from our 2-day photo spree across San Francisco.  I can’t wait to shoot their wedding next month!

dru and dy part 2

dru and dy

I had the best weekend shooting some pics for Andrew and Dyana who are getting married later this summer.  We wandered around San Francisco and I set out to capture a day in their life together.  One thing they really enjoy?  Getting the ‘skinnies’ when playing Tetris.



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