Meet the Fanelli family: Tom, Renee, and little lovebug Scarlett. Team Fanelli was all about getting into the beautiful outdoors for our family shoot come rain or shine. As is Seattle’s November custom, we got rain. Plus side? Weather apps are becoming increasingly more accurate and bonus, we found a magical forested area smack dab in the middle of town to provide a little canopy for us. I couldn’t believe how perfectly things aligned. This little trail (Jackson Park Perimeter Trail for all your north Seattlites) is only 3 years old and it runs alongside Jackson golf course. In literally 5 minutes you leave the parking lot and enter a forest so magical it feels like you’ve been dropped into Harry Potter. It was the most spectacular backdrop to capture some family portraits. Little Scarlett was such a trooper and let us put her just about everywhere to get the shot. When she finally said enough is enough mom and dad comforted her and I was able to capture even more moments that just melted my heart.