Burns Sisters


I feel like I have been a part of this family’s journey since the very beginning. I first met mom, Beth at our ad agency job many moons ago. Early on we discovered that her upcoming honeymoon was at the exact time and on the precise island as my upcoming family trip. Soon after, we learned we were even on the same flights. As the years went on, Beth continued to bring me along for the ride to capture the evolution of her lovely family with hubby James. With each new sweet girl and each new photoshoot, I was more and more impressed with their open hearts and loving natures. So when Beth asked me to step outside of the usual and try something new they had been thinking about I was all about it. This series features the Burns sisters in black and white both individually and as a group and will be blown up and framed to adorn the walls of their newly renovated house. I couldn’t have been more honored to take these, and I hope it’s something their girls can treasure for years to come.


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