Summer approaches


As any PacNWester knows, the summer is where our real magic happens.  We get at least an extra hour of daylight as our Cali friends to the south and don’t even get me started on the glorious clean breezes dripping with warmed up pine needles and hydrated ferns.  It’s truly one of the reasons so many of us live here.  We are mild (in personality and in weather)…not too hot and not too cold.  If we really need to get our fix of either during the summer or winter we can head to the mountains for snow, or scurry over them for blazing days.  Generally speaking, it’s the best of the outdoors.  Last weekend, Summer said “what’s up” with 70ish temps and sun sun sun. It only lasted for a handful of days but it was just the wink we needed to tide us over for the real deal ahead.


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